When fingers are used to enter a female partner, you can explore the G-spot & other sensitive spots with greater precision. Before entering, linger at the vaginal lips, playing with them and the clitoris until they are very wet and engorged. The more lubricated and engorged they are, the more pleasurable fingering will be. If they are not completely lubricated, use saliva or coconut oil on your finger as a lubricant or try oral sex, which brings natural lubrication. Besides saliva, natural oils or water-based lubricants are best. 

Whatever you use, lubrication is a must. If the female is dry, your best-intentioned explorations will feel uncomfortable and often painful. In addition to getting your partner wet, another reason to be slow is to build anticipation. A slow hand will increase your partner’s desire, and they will be much more receptive to and desirous of finger play.  Also, the G-spot (and other spots) will be much easier to find and much more sensitive as orgasm approaches.

Caution: Never use Vaseline, scented oils or lotions, which can irritate the vagina. Remember that oils will break down latex and should not be used with condoms. Please be sure your fingernails don't have any rough or jagged edges.


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