The Definition of Insanity When it Comes to S3X

Albert Einstien has a quote:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”

And it got me thinking - how does this apply to so many different areas of our lives.

Right now I'm editing my content for my Red Tantra module for the Intro to Tantra Course where we're focusing on how to have amazing pleasure with a lover and having epic self-pleasure rituals with Tantra.

In the course, I talk about being able to feel full-body orgasms and having that energy surge through our bodies and be energized and charged up through our pleasure, and how pleasure can be medicine.

As I go back and reflect on the Einstein quote, so often, we want to have better s3x we want to have a deeper connection with a lover.

We are constantly wondering - “Is there more out there - does it get better than this? “

For me, I was already thinking I was amazing at s3x, that I was having the best s3x, I was having better s3x than most of my friends. But when I discovered Tantra, I realized I had only been scratching the surface of what was fully possible for me to experience. I realized it was like being at the tip of the iceberg and there was so much more for me down deep underneath.

I dove in deep and went into learning all that I could about Tantra and it changed my life in so many ways. I want to share with you because Tantra actually gives us these tools so that we can stop the insanity.

So we can stop going about things the same way and expecting something different. It gives us tools to actually have a different experience in our bodies.

To have a different experience with pleasure, with self-love how to have different experiences in relationships whether they're passionate relationships with a lover or friendships, relationships with family, with our co-workers, with our clients, everything because everything touches everything and the relationship we have with others is a just a mirror, reflecting back the relationship we have with ourselves.

Everything touches everything

So it's time to really stop the insanity and take a pause and just think about how could I be doing this differently?

Is there something more here? Is there some potential here that I have untapped?

Can I untap this infinite possibility for pleasure, and create so much deep s3xual healing, like Marvin Gaye would sing about, in my life and in my relationships?

If you're feeling like you’ve been trying these things, perhaps you’ve looked at books on s3x tips, or for me before Tantra I would get into the gimmicks of s3x I would just be looking at like Cosmo or magazines and be like, “oh these are the positions” and doing things based on performative aspects of s3x or with my ego - stuck on “how am I looking” and the appearance and a superficial things with s3x, and not really diving in deeply about letting my walls down, taking the armour off, dropping my fears, dropping my expectations of perfectionism, and just being fully present in that moment to explore what's really there for me.

When I focused on these things I wasn’t able to tap into the magic of what’s underneath and to honor myself as the divine creation to that goddess energy and then honor my lover in their divine energy, their divine masculine, or if it's the divine feminine, whatever that is for you with your partner and just really explore that and have this honoring and be fully present.

It's such a beautiful reset for my nervous system and it gives you a way to recalibrate your nervous system because so often we can have these fight or flight responses, and we can be triggered by so many things, we live in such a stressful world with a lot of chaos.

I think when we come to our homes that should be our sanctuary, a safe space.

And I know in the past my home life wasn't a safe space for me, so I create these safe spaces now in my life with a lot of intention and awareness.

We can also create these safe spaces in the bedroom within our relationships with our beloved by following simple practices & rituals and getting really clear with our intentions for ourselves & for each other.

If you really want to stop the insanity to explore what's possible for you, to dive in deeper and change things up so you can have a different, more powerful, experience, so you can really tap into what it is you're longing for - what your heart truly desires.

If you’re ready to see what else is out there - let's make a plan and connect you with your true power and magic.

Got a Question?

if you want to dive deeper, just hit reply to this email. I'd love to know what comes up for you on this topic. and how I can support you in this journey.

I have several programs and ways to work with me because it’s not a one size fits all program for someone, I really want to have a conversation with you and see what are your specific challenges and what are your goals and what are your dreams and your passions and then what can we co-create together.

I’m here to explore what tools I can give and share with you so that you can experience that and tap into that MAGIC and level up in your life and your love life.

Now it’s your turn

I want to invite you to join the conversation. I want to hear what you think. Leave a comment or send me a message Let me know if there's an aha moment in here for you that really landed or resonates with you.

If you want to have a discovery call with me we can find time for a free 30-minute discovery call and explore what's fully possible for you and unlock what's been holding you back, because there's so much magic within you.

I would love to unlock your full potential for pleasure, passion and love.

I hope you're having a magical week and sending you so much love.

Dominique xx

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