Tantric S3x v.s. "Regular" S3x - What's the Difference?
Hello Lover,
How different can Tantric S3x really be?
Before I discovered Tantra I thought that my s3x life was AWESOME. I was having better s3x than pretty much all of my friends, you know, I was the friend everyone came to for tips to elevate their s3x life. I thought I had it down.
Oh baby was I wrong..
Tantric s3x is not only another level, it’s a whole different game. Once I discovered Tantra the rules changed completely, I experience pleasure and connection in a whole other way and my perception of s3x changed entirely - I no longer counted in 0rgasms I was counting my experiences in transformative experiences.
In this Audiogram I share a little more about why..
And I dive deeper here as a recent guest on HEARTBEAT Podcast…LISTEN VIA MY SPOTIFY PODCAST PLAYLIST HERE.
It’s Not About the Destination, it’s About the Journey
In Western society, s3x can be so performative, you know with the goal always being about 0rgasms, and while 0rgasms are of course amazing, it's important to enjoy the journey of s3x too and not be so focused on the destination.
We can be so focused on the 0rgasm, or the end result we're desiring, that we miss the beauty of taking the scenic route and haveing an amazing journey that we're sharing either when we're self-pleasuring, or in having partnered s3x.
Using S3X to Cultivate your Energy
Now, in the East Tantra practices are used to help you to focus in on your s3xual energy, to cultivate and generate that energy within your body, and to know how to tap into the s3xual energy as it's flowing through your body.
Through your chakras, aka energy centers, you learn how to share that energy with our lover so that we can connect our energy centers with our lover’s energy centers and have this energy exchange. Beyond that of the physical act.
In these philosophies and practices, s3x stands for sacred energy exchange.
S3xual Transmutation & Using our S3xual Energy to Attract What We Want
We can use that energy and direct it towards our lover. We can even direct it towards the universe - we call this S3xual Transmutation.
We can be empowered and amplify our ability to manifest things and apply the law of attraction by fueling those desires and those wants and needs with our s3xual energy.
How Do You Unlock this Sacred Energy Exchange?
I teach a lot of different breathwork practices and things to move the energy through your body and if you have any blockages in your chakras, help identify them and then begin to open them through these practices.
I am teaching some of these things in my “Six Weeks to Tantra Mastery” online course because it is essential that we go through this process in order to expand in this practice.
I'm so thankful for so many people that trusted me with this journey and decided they want to learn more about Tantra and I love to support everyone with this.
I Promise There is More
I just want to share with you that there's so much more that you can experience with your s3xual energy than you ever even imagined possible. Your body was literally wired to experience pleasure with all of these magical nerve endings in our bodies.
You were created from s3xual energy, there should be no shame in that because there's no shame in such a beautiful creation that brought you into existence. When we know how to channel this energy and to focus on what we're wanting, we don't just have to create a new life with this energy we can also tap into the power that we have to create the life that our heart desires.
Disconnect from Logic & Step into Pleasure
So my wish for you is that you use Tantric practices and explore these possibilities so that you can disconnect from your logical mind because we get so trapped in logical thinking when we're having s3x. The invitation is to start to use all of your five senses and start to drop in and connect more into your body and have pleasure through all of your five senses, and through your body.
I mean really drop in and be fully present and not be overthinking or distracted.
This is why meditation practices are so important because if you have meditation practices and the longer you can stay in meditation, the better your s3x will be. Your brain is your largest s3x organ but sometimes that means “switching it off” and letting your body takeover.
So What’s Holding You Back?
Is there something that's holding you back from exploring it? I know for me my delay was I thought I had to have a partner to be in learning Tantra and that's a big misconception because Tantra begins with you. It begins as a solo practice.
Once we become our own best lover, then we know how to be better lovers to our current partners or future partners, and we actually are able to attract better lovers. So just by you showing up, even if you have a partner and they're not wanting to explore also, just by you learning these practices, you will be able to show up in such a different way when you're making love with your lover.
Instead of like wasting our energy trying to convince someone, just be the first one to do it because leaders go first you can guide your lover into experiencing relationship in a whole different way - with more pleasure, more connection, more intimacy.
It Starts with Us
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” - Ghandi
The way that we can create change in the world is first by creating the change within ourselves and taking that responsibility for ourselves to work past any traumas or hurts that we've had to be able to have amazing self love, to be able to have deep intimacy and connection with others and to tap into the power of our pleasure of our s3xual energy or our non-s3xual energy through all of our energy centers and to live the life that our heart desires.
This is my wish for you.
Got a Question?
Now if you have any questions about anything that I shared here, if you have any aha moments or something real dropped in for you, please let me know - send me a message. I would love to hear what your thoughts are and answer any questions that you may have.
I hope you're having a magical week and sending you so much love.
Dominique xx
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