Porn VS Reality & Male Masturbation with Annalee Belle & D’Vita - Relationship Sex Tips - Part 3

As we discuss the difference between Porn Sex, Real Sex & how Male Masturbation plays a role in that, I also share a story about having dinner with a porn star in Hollywood.

From my experience and working with clients, females are more comfortable talking about masturbation.

Males don’t usually have talks about their masturbation. This means they are less likely to share these things with each other what works for them.

In society, they come from a place where Males should know this already and are great lovers naturally, and shouldn’t display any weakness or need to know better. Which holds them back from opening up to new possibilities.

Men end up watching porn to learn, which is not an accurate representation of what females want. The problem is that they are learning things that are not actually something their partners will enjoy.

When we watch porn, we tend to watch the things we like because we are trying to have an orgasm. But, that doesn’t mean that is what your partner wants to see or do to them. Which is an important distinction to make.

Also, most porn is made up of actors and staged performances so it’s not a realist expectation of what sex looks like.

Want to learn more about masturbation, and get more relationship sex tips? Stay tuned for the next video!

In Video 4, we will discuss how Masturbation can Impact Intimacy & Male Arousal when your partner consciously or subconsciously “chooses” masturbation OVER partnered SEX. So stay tuned & be sure to Subscribe & turn on your notifications because we will be sharing lots of juicy info & tips.

Check out the other videos in the series!

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